SPM Science 2019, Paper 2 (Question 7)

Question 7:
Diagram 6.1 shows the penetration power of three types of radioactive radiations.

Diagram 6.1

Name substances, X and Z. 
X : ………………………… [1 mark]
Z : …………………………. [1 mark]

Diagram 6.2 shows a radioactive substance emitting radioactive radiations that pass through an electric field.

Diagram 6.2

Draw the movement of beta radiation in Diagram 6.2. [1 mark]

(c) Suggest one method to handle radioactive substance safely.
Explain your answer. [3 marks]

X: Sheet of paper
Z: Thick lead block


Work in areas behind protective shields such as concrete wall or lead shield. Radioactive radiations are blocked by those protective shields and it won’t harm our body.

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